Expedia’s integration with RoomRaccoon provides hotels with a two-way channel connection to distribute their rates, availability and inventory to increase their occupancy, maximise their revenue and elevate their exposure.

About Expedia

Expedia is an internationally trusted booking channel that connects your business with millions of travelers worldwide. With access to over 200 travel sites and a global footprint in 70+ countries, its leading technology is designed to increase your bookings, optimize your visibility, and help to improve your reviews.

How does the Expedia integration with RoomRaccoon work?

The Expedia integration for RoomRaccoon is a simple and automatic solution to maximize your occupancy, expand your revenue, facilitate the booking experience, and globalize your hotel’s reach.

You call the shots when it comes to pricing and occupancy management by simply sending your rates, availability, and restrictions to Expedia. Any bookings and changes made to the reservations on Expedia will automatically be updated by RoomRaccoon’s Channel Manager.

You will never miss out on revenue during busy days ever again.

RoomRaccoon’s new auto-charge feature, designed to automate the process of charging virtual credit cards in the PMS, ensures that payments are not missed.

All cards will be charged in the morning, and the overview will be ready for you when you start your working day. All cards with a VCC balance of 0 will be excluded from auto-charge. The auto-charge functionality is currently exclusive to our RaccoonPay users.

Expedia Promotions - New

Search Expedia in the Marketplace, and click on the plus icon. An integration notification will be sent to a RoomRaccoon connectivity manager.


Booking Channels